FluentTalk: A Comprehensive Mandarin Speaking Course

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 Beginner to intermediate/HSK2-4 (level recommended)
 Interactive video course
 Over 30 lessons
 Downloadable learning materials
Do you face these challenges?
1. I lack confidence in my pronunciation.
2. I struggle to construct complete sentences.
3. I can't understand what Chinese people are saying.
4. I've already learned a good amount of grammar and vocabulary, but forget them as soon as I start speaking. 
5. I am not able to conduct a proper conversation in Chinese even though I have already passed the HSK exam.
If three out of the five points match your situation, don't hesitate to join our meticulously crafted course, "The Ultimate Spoken Chinese Course: Clear, Authentic, and Fluent." It's designed for learners like you who wish to practice practical daily spoken Chinese, regardless of your current Chinese level.

What do we offer in this course?

This is an interactive video course, so you can learn at your own pace! Our course curriculum is structured into five comprehensive sections:

Pronunciation Tricks

Discover pronunciation techniques that you've never come across before. This section aims to refine your pronunciation, making it more authentic and natural.

Chinese Sentence Structures

This module introduces you to 100 of the most commonly used and useful Chinese sentence structures, enhancing your grammatical understanding and fluency.

Slangs and Idioms

Get familiar with over 50 slangs and idioms, an essential aspect of conversational Chinese. This module will give you an insight into the colloquial language, enriching your vocabulary and understanding of Chinese culture.

Daily/Travel Scenarios

Experience over 20 different real-life conversations set in everyday and travel contexts. This practical approach will help you navigate through various situations with confidence.

Bonus Lessons

A surprise awaits you! We have packed this section with some bonus lessons that will be revealed upon course purchase.


We help you...

Learn Chinese from a Sentence Perspective

We help you piece together scattered pieces of language knowledge into comprehensive sentences. This method allows for a more holistic understanding of Chinese.

Learn Chinese through Scenarios

We have meticulously designed dialogues that cover the most commonly used scenarios. This immersive learning approach will equip you with practical language skills that can be applied in real-life situations.

Improve Your Chinese Pronunciation

While you understand the importance of tones, merely practicing them is not enough. We aim to provide you with a higher level of understanding of Chinese phonetics, making your pronunciation more natural and pleasing.

 Practice Makes Perfect

Learning is not complete without practice. We provide ample opportunities for you to apply what you've learned. With us, you'll learn and practice simultaneously, truly mastering the Chinese language.
Don't hesitate

Take your fluency and confidence to next level!

Meet the teachers

Hello你好!This is Peipei laoshi.  I have been teaching Chinese for 10 years in universities, private schools and online.

After conducting my own online learning program for three years and deeply collaborating and interacting with over 200 students, I have developed this course in collaboration with Roots laoshi. It will greatly solve the common problems you encounter on your journey to learning Chinese.

If one of your goals in 2024 is to level up your Chinese and improve your confidence, we sincerely invite you to join us. Let's start a new chapter in your Chinese learning in 2024!

Course Lessons

Frequently asked questions

What is the format of this course?

This is a comprehensive video course, allowing you to learn anywhere and anytime at your own pace!

Can I enjoy lifetime access?

Absolutely! Once the payment is completed, you will enjoy lifetime access.

What is the suggested level for taking this course?

We recommend this course for students ranging from HSK3 to HSK5 (High Beginner to High Intermediate). It differs significantly from courses based on the HSK syllabus. Even if you have already passed the HSK test or acquired an extensive vocabulary, this course can provide valuable practical applications for using Chinese.
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